0275 959707 Auckland NZ
Narrative Pedagogies & Story Telling - Secondary teachers
Thu, 14 Sept
Storytelling across the Curriculum - for secondary teachers. Implementing narrative pedagogies across the curriculum.

Time & Location
14 Sept 2023, 3:30 pm – 15 Sept 2023, 5:00 pm
About the event
Educators Del Costello and Dr Melissa Derby have teamed up to provide participants of this workshop with the essential elements required to implement storytelling and narrative pedagogies across the curriculum. This workshop will support Kaiako as we prepare for the curriculum refresh and execute the delivery of the Aotearoa NZ Histories Curriculum, integration of structured literacy and oral language development.
We will cover:
- The power of story
- Growing personal confidence and storytelling skills
- Making natural and authentic curriculum connections
- Connecting story to early literacy
Registrations via TryBooking Cost $20 per person (paid online)
Del Costello is the director of Coactive Education and an experienced PLD consultant who advocates for the integration of reo ā-waha/oral language in all learning. She holds a Masters of Education from University of Canterbury with an endorsement in e-learning, her work focuses on supporting Kaiako to develop a rich, local and integrated curriculum. She is the founder of the “Telling Your Stories” project that supports ECE, schools and Kāhui Ako to realise the potential of local stories.
Dr Melissa Derby (Ngāti Ranginui) is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Waikato, and Co-Director of the Early Years Research Centre. Her PhD was part of A Better Start National Science Challenge. She also holds a Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Studies from Columbia University in New York. Her work focuses on implementation of narrative pedagogies, early literacy development, with a focus on families and localised curriculum.